Thursday, May 22, 2008

22 May, 2008 Nobody flying today

Ben & Jerod were preparing signs for the upcoming coroner's election in August.

I started hacking another video monitor for the airplane. This one's tougher, as it's not stamped as clearly for video and audio circuits. Going to do some experimenting with this one.

The blueberry bushes are really loaded with immature fruit. Last year the frost got them, so I will be chasing birds this summer!

Close, closer, closest. The blue irises bloomed while my back was turned yesterday. They are really detailed on the inside of the blossom. I know they don't look blue, but that's what I call them. Transplanted years ago from some fill dirt at the airport, now there are dozens of them!

Sugar, neighbor dog begging for scraps. I hate flash pics like this.
But, oh well. Looks like one of those goggle-eyed greeting cards.

Today, no flying stuff. Sorry, John. Tomorrow is another day. Can't post flying stuff if nobody flies! Keep watching... you never know...

Oh, NO! Not another sunset on a stick!

G'ma Airplane

1 comment:

Fonda said...

oh, that reminds me, i should go look at my iris's iris' iriss-however the hell you punctuate it- tomorrow. I think they are blooming too! If the rain/wind hasn't beaten them to a purple pulp!!!