Tuesday, May 20, 2008

20 May, 2008 No flying stuff today

Here we had a beautiful day, but nobody flying anywhere, except Air Evac.

Look how long my legs are today! Well, I'm getting desperate for a photo for today.

Found some wildflowers just at sundown, and played with them on the computer. Sorta looks like a helicopter, doesn't it?

Mowed at the house just before dark... and if you think I'm gonna mow all that with a push mower, you're crazy. Just a little off around the edges, thank you (pun intended). (Many think I'm a little off around the edges. Do ya think? Don't answer that.)

Hey, lookie! Moon on a tower! Yes, I was hard up for a photo. It's a set, with "sunset on a stick", May 8.

Posted by Ma (I don't know why it says "posted by Fonda" as she doesn't post here, except right at the start of this madness).

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