Sunday, May 18, 2008

17 May, 2008 - - More flying stuff, please!

John flew again today, the 180 this time. "And let's have more flyingstuff on the web page, ok?" Ok. He worked his fingers to the bone yesterday to get the 180 shiny & spiffy, but after a trip to Willow Springs, it got too windy to go to the Gimlin Fly-in.

I found this smiley face, it's the magnet on the back of a tiny speaker out of that ill-fated video monitor. I was cleaning up the mess of brackets and screws and wires, deciding that I would pack-rat it all back into its box for storage. The magnet was holding the heads of the mounting screws, and they were standing upright, making the eyes. Thinking that I wouldn't have any pictures for the web page today, I gave it a comb-over hairdo and made a close-up.

Then I found the cats lounging around. I had noticed that Squeaky the calico mama has all black whiskers except for one white one, and that Briggs, her yeller yearling son, has all white whiskers except for two black ones. Oh, why couldn't he have just had one black whisker. Guess I could clip one off, then the cats would sort of match, sort of. Isn't this fascinating stuff???

So, I at least had a few pictures for the web page, I could relax now.

Well, the day got more interesting when my buddy Val from Osage Beach stopped by to chat and bring us flowers for the garden, a pot of gold! Gerbera Daisies.

E T Phone Home! War of the Worlds!

The Pod People! Oh, my gosh, we're all gonna die!!!

("Cocoon", Jan reminded me).

Later, Jody brought his track-hoe for some future work, and we told each other where to go... with it.
Jan got these pictures of me trying to be the "airport manager", putting Smudge in for the night.

When I got home, naturally the sun was setting and the moon was
dodging in and out of a cloud layer. That's enough for one day, I
guess. Posted by Ma

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