Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 5, 2014 -- Grapeography - A year in the life of a vineyard

Premier of Joyce McMurtrey's photo show at the Park Central Library, right on the square in downtown Springfield.
Great photos, big crowd, nice speech. Show runs all through September.
Yes, Sharon, that's your brother Sonny having tea with Amelia!

Happy accident... caught the little boy's reflection!

Joyce weaves a wonderful tale about the year in the life of the vineyard.

180 degree panorama with the iPhone.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4, 2014 -- Happy Birthday, beeeg seeester

Happy Birthday, Caro
This was in 1993, Sept. 14... we were on our way to Reno Air Races, stopped in Glenwood, and David flew us all up to Possum Creek.
Passion flower.