Friday, May 14, 2010

14 May, 2010 -- Hatched

Killdeer eggs in the gravel, two days ago.
(See Fonda's robin nest in Iowa)

Yesterday... there were two babies, but one was hiding out somewhere.

Mama tried to lead me off, pleading "broken wing, broken wing, come to meeee!"

14 May, 2010 -- Junction Store Catfish Buffet

Music from a Willow Springs group...

and conversation, Sandy and Randy...

and tall tales, Thelma and Lloyd...

Thelma and Pauline ham it up at Pauline's Catfish Buffet.
It's Friday night!

14 May, 2010 -- 7

For those of you in the family who are over 7 feet tall and have been offended, I cleaned the top of the refrigerator. (It was a fit of some kind. I'm over it now.)
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13 May, 2010 -- Big worm...

Bigger bass. 3 lbs. Kept this one, along with 3 eatin' size bluegills. Didn't think dinky-pond would support this monster!
Roy & Retta wandered down to see what I was doing. He claims he chummed the fish in. I claim it was the nightcrawler, and I only used half.

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13 May, 2010 -- Little worm...

Little bass.
Had a few little bluegills. Started using bigger worms, and started getting bigger takers.