Snowed all day, with wind 20 to 30 mph, 25 degrees... I'm not complaining, except that the snow was so dry, I couldn't even make a snowball, much less a bigger snowman. Only 4 inches, flaky and dry and blowing all over.
Bowling is going downhill... this morning, only got to 186. Depressing. So.... Immersed myself in important, uplifting, exciting things... started organizing tax information. ug.
I made a presentation to a local school group. Showed a video about our flight simulator, talked about flying and airplanes, and invited them to come to the airport this spring for a Young Eagles free flight. We posed for the required group shot. The faces are blurred for anonymity (mine, too). The interesting parts of the second photo are the two boys in the back row.
A Farewell
Those who know me well can bear witness to my intention to continue to
write novels based on Addie’s life, beginning shortly after her divorce in
1869, u...
A momma and a daughter, 335 miles apart, snapping photos on (at least) the 25th of each month. We mostly shoot Nikon, but also have some Canon and Olympus thrown in for good measure.