Saturday, November 8, 2008

8 Nov., 2008 -- would you believe...

Oh, would you believe that I didn't take any pictures today?

Lloyd and I went to the church hamburger supper tonight, and I forgot to take the camera!
We're working on a photo that Jan shot for the church membership directory. This isn't the
final draft.

Friday, November 7, 2008

7 Nov., 2008 - Geocaching

Fonda and I tracked down a treasure today, in the park south of Mansfield. It's a
nationwide game, using gps to locate hidden items. The idea is to take a memento out of
the cache and replace it with something of your own. There's a website to locate the
caches all over the U.S. Usually there is a written log of the date and time the cache has
been found and re-hidden.

There are clues, and one of them said "watch out or you'll get your feet wet". Well, guess
what... I stepped onto a pile of leaves hiding the stream.

Bucket of fruit from the 4 Js. Thanks!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

5 Nov., 2008 -- A most memorable day, or not

Notes from yesterday, some I wrote, some Grant wrote:

Dye Shot was given by Dr. K.

mam insert wires - Dr. B.

"nuke med" for pictures of wired boob.

after 3 hours, we need 1 more hour for dye to migrate

10:40 am, 20 min

Another "nuke med" picture ("camera" something out of War of the Worlds)

1:20 - wheeled into surgery staging area.

~3:00 pm - in recovery, all signs positive

~4:20 - back in room, asking for beer

5:00 - Vera (I think) took IV out

5:15 - checked out, wheeled to car (Vera wanted to get rid of her)

5:20 - at Walgreens for script

4:30 a.m. in waiting room. We were early.

Dressing up for the party.

Oooh, she's run off, where did she go, oooh!

We looked everywhere, how did she slip away?

Dang it, they found me, buried under blankets on that gurney.

Before. On the way down that hall again.

After. Awake, back to normal, hiding behind a "pillow".

Today, breakfast, and what else, CAMERAS. Research, compare, shop, oooh can I have that
one, Christmas is coming?

Then to the bank for Grant and Fonda to sift through the "valuables" and mementos. My dad
had this 48 star flag tucked into a silver cigarette case. Must have been from the 1940's or 50's.

That's all there is to it. Tomorrow back to Springfield and the itchy bandages come off, I

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

5 Nov., 2008 -- Another Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Dee! Always hanging around with the car guys!

4 Nov., 2008 -- Remember this, Jody?

Happy Birthday, Jody. I found this photo and the third place award we won at Seymour a
looong time ago. 1995.

Monday, November 3, 2008

3 Nov., 2008 -- Posting early

Happy Birthday, Ralph! Look out world, he's 16! (This was Halloween a year ago, he's really more handsome than that).

Just some brilliant maples around Mtn. Grove.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

2 Nov., 2008 -- Airplanes! shuffle shuffle

John had trouble with the battery, but finally got the 180 running for a morning flight
around the patch. Grass is getting greener, today was like spring.

Randy flew off to the bootheel with the Ag Husky to have the gps installed. It's the only
part of Lloyd's Pawnee that survived back in May. Lloyd shuffled Randy home in the Archer.
Then Randy drove back to Iowa this afternoon in his pickup that has been here in the
garage since June. Shuffle shuffle.