Sunday, June 8, 2008

8 June, 2008 Sun Shines, Make Hay

Roy takes advantage of a beautiful (28 mph) windy day to put up a few bales of hay. Love that Farmall tractor.

Gives new meaning to the phrase "bucking bales". Yeee-haw.

This is part of a critter that's out in the road in front of Ben's
hangar. Don't want to know where the rest of him is.

I "cooked" tonight. So while waiting for the Pizza to get done, I
shot the sunset.

G'ma Airplane, no rain today! Iowa got it all. But we're gonna get it tonight. This is radar at midnight. g'nite.

1 comment:

Fonda said...

Yeeiikkes. Looks like you are in for some rrrrain! Ride'em Cowboy Roy! Some cows will be happy this winter.