Found round bales in the back yard, Roy's at it again. Walked down to the little (and getting littler) pond that was overflowing in February. The water & ice were nearly up to that cedar tree on the bank. Now the water's about down to its usual level. The bamboo was whipping in the mild wind. Carolyn & I planted a few sprouts in 2001 that we dug up in Arkansas at Juanita's.
Checking on the bluebird babies... Whoops! Sorry! Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers! Sort of giving me a defiant attitude about snooping in his home, but it may be just a startle reaction. The birdies will be flying soon. Look at those brilliant blue feathers!
There's moisture in the upper atmosphere, as well as down here. I mowed around the runway this afternoon, took about 2 hours.
G'ma Airplane, dusty & crusty
Update: Iowa's getting hit again tonight. Enough rain, already!
Cripes you need some rain to fill that pond back up. Want some of ours? Please, take it! Our basement stayed dry (well it's relative) as in no standing water in it. seepage and the tile is running, but that's OK. Our ditches out front began filling up last night, but the rain slowed down enough so everything could drain away I guess. Now looks like we get a break for a few days. Just enought time for the mosquitoes to multiply!
Oops. The babies look much handsomer now. Love that blue color!
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