Thursday, August 13, 2009

13 Aug., 2009 -- At least it's not Friday, the 13th

Grounded by mid-day clouds, I'm in Olney, IL. Got the Indiana part done, now heading back west, about 200 miles from Cairo and the bootheel.

This Taylorcraft is undergoing an annual by the local mechanic, assisted by its owner, a former Air Force lady from somewhere near here in IL. She spends the WINTER in Anchorage, summer here. She was a navigator on C130s.
Ever done any geocaching???? Oooooh, yeaaah. So we researched a few, and this was the first one we found.

We went geocaching! This was a Halloween themed
hidey hole across the street from the local funeral
home in Olney. We found one more, then it got dark.

Hey, SammieJ... I found a street in Olney, Illinois named Sam Street. Do you live here???


grack said...

we could send her to live an address?

Ma said...

I'll go tomorrow morning and get some house numbers!