Friday, May 15, 2009

14th & 15th May, 2009 -- Cam's concert, Ralph's award

Cameron at the Yamaha on the 14th. He soloed "Malaguena" at Cedar Hill Elementary School in Jefferson City. He designed the cover for his personal music cd. That's a king's crown, and a music stand, and very long piano fingers!

The Peanut Gallery... Grant, Sam, Devon, friend Jack, and Kelly. Friend Chuck was at the other end of the row getting pictures from another perspective.

Cameron signs the program... it might someday be valuable!

Ralph received an award for English improvement, at the same time as Cam's concert. Ralph goes to Simonsen Middle School.
Sure was a nice sunset as we walked home from Cam's school.
It's only about 6 blocks, uphill both ways.

And today, this little fellow (well, he isn't so little) was waiting on the patio chair for us to come home. Tree frog, I thought at first that it was a leaf stuck there.

Grant and Cameron bicycling to school this morning. Uphill both ways.

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