Monday, July 5, 2010

5 July, 2010 -- End of the day

What? No pictures???
Late this afternoon, a Piper Pacer came in, fueled up, and decided to camp out for the night. So I took the pilot to town for supper, then he settled into the pilot lounge to do some flight planning.

I went home, sat out in the grass in the lawn chair, was talking on the phone, and WHOA a skunk rambled right by me on its way to the east. Guess it didn't see me, but the kitty on the deck saw it and before I could grab the kitty he was off chasing the skunk. Thankfully kitty backed off and returned to the deck before getting into trouble. The kitty's name is "Stinker", maybe I should change that? Anyhow, skunk slunk off, disaster averted.

So, sitting on the deck with Stinker (kitty), and here come an Air Evac helicopter. So, dump kitty, drive to the airport, open the gate (expecting an ambulance to transfer a patient). Well, they were only trading a timed-out pilot with a replacement who was driving over, who got lost on his way and had to be talked in (sort of like an ifr pilot getting vectors to the runway). There were storms near West Plains that delayed the flight causing the pilot to be over-time, and Air Evac is very strict about that. Storms dissipated, we barely got a couple of sprinkles.

No pictures. Maybe I'll get the Pacer in the morning. He's from way down south (California), headed way up north (Michigan). Good boy, going to see his mama.

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