Sunday, December 13, 2009

I haven't abandoned you

Have three projects going, and will add another one tomorrow!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular


Whitehills said...

Only 3?

Whitehills said...

oooops i'm not a whitehill, guess i better log out as such.

Fonda said...

Only 3?

Ma said...

I suppose I should have 4 projects, since I have two hands. Multi-tasking is easier in even numbers.
It IS 4 projects; tonight I copy disks, capture screen shots for case inserts, print case inserts, then make labels for 40 or so dvds. Then stomper labels on disks, insert inserts, put dvds in the appropriate cases... etc. Try to not get them all mixed up.
Or is that 6 projects... or 8?