Thursday, April 16, 2009

15 April, 2009 -- Taxiing day

Progress on the roof. Maybe they'll be done in a few days.

Engineers inspecting the previous roof installation, determining why it blew off.

Randy arrived in the afternoon, from Georgia with the new ag plane, via the bootheel where he tested the spray pattern at an ag pilots' gathering. It's spring, and the bugs are working already!

John exercised the Zipper, then Black Bart, and a couple of guys limbered up their remote controlled planes. Good day, little breeze, lots of sun!


Fonda said...

OY GAD ! look at that yellow. Looks like you'll be losing some light at the house.

Ma said...

No more sunshine in the kitchen window... tomato seedlings are outside under the picnic table, filtered sunshine. Maybe there will be no more frost!