Tuesday, October 28, 2008

28 Oct., 2008 -- Isn't this great?

On the drive from Springfield this afternoon, I stopped at a construction company site
west of Fordland and complimented them on their HUGE flag. The workers said lots of other
people had stopped and said it was great, too.

Against the clear blue sky, with the fall yellow leaves, it is so striking and made me
feel so proud to be an American, and thankful that we live so free.

Another thankful thing, that big negative sign on the genetics test! This means that my
kids and their kids, and probably my sister's kids and their kids, are not going to
inherit abnormal genes that cause breast cancer and ovarian cancer, at least from our side
of the family tree. It doesn't cancel out environmental causes, though, or the paternal
family tree. But it is quite a relief from that worry.

1 comment:

Fonda said...

I like the ripples on that bottom photo. glad the test was neg!