Monday, July 7, 2008

7 July, 2008 .. Bees & Bugs, no Butterflies

Flying things, bees and bugs were working the butterfly weed at the airport. No butterflies, that I saw. Looks like Halloween, doesn't it?

After an afternoon pop-up shower, a Cherokee 180 fueled up, and then flew off for Louisiana. That's all the flying things for today.

I've been SLIMED!!! This critter is a BABY compared to the one that was eating out of Granny cat's butter dish of cat food that I left out on the deck in the damp night air. When I flipped the contents out into the pasture, the slug flipped backwards into my hair! Do a little dance.... talk about GLUE. And the little tree frog, one of the tiniest I've ever seen, jumped from the screen onto my shirt sleeve while I was photographing him. Him, I didn't mind giving a ride.

G'ma Airplane, I'm off to the shower.


Fonda said...

Slimy Slug Glue, that would probably sell pretty good! That's too funny. Did you use a whole bottle of shampoo to wash with?!
That frog is almost transparent! Yeah, he I wouldn't mind either.

Fonda said...

Ma, you've been tagged over on my blog! Go see it for the details!