Wednesday, January 27, 2010

27 Jan., 2010 -- Ring around the moon

There was a rainbow around the moon tonight,
I just couldn't capture all the color. Ice crystals
in the air... forecast is for sleet tomorrow.

Yesterday, there was sunshine in Oklahoma, and sunshine here! Made one trip out and back,
fighting fierce headwinds, but I made the first nibble of 10 on the project of 55 mine sites in Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas.
Bleak landscapes in the wintertime, but they do make interesting patterns.
I like those big evil spider-like cranes!

These mines are reclaimed after all the digging and scraping, and lots of them become wildlife habitat, or pasture, usually better land than before they were mined. It has been an interesting project seeing the progress of these mines, as I've been photographing some of them two or three times a year for about 10 years.

1 comment:

Fonda said...

Bet they will soon be snow and ice covered, if not already! Eeek