This guy was sitting on a neighborhood lawn, waiting for his night to go to work.
A very nice city park!
Everything... and I mean everything... has this name on it. Buildings, streets, gas stations, hotels; It has to do with Bartlesville's major industry.
Local Bartlesville airport still has that hill behind it.
Now, THAT'S a KEYBOARD! Mac or PC?
We grandparents discussed this a few days ago... should we get one of these for LAD? (Not the trumpet)
Ipod and I-tunes, eat your heart out! Don't ya just love those old record players...
Well, some things hardly ever change. If you don't know what this is for, don't ask.
I remember my dad using one of these! Hey, I can still remember!
I shot some photos today, although I wore a different hat.
Hooray for digital.
Geocaching on Wesleyan College Campus, it's very pretty.
Park bench, tiled, very ornate.
Yes, there is a cache in the center of this picture. Nice camouflage, it took me about a half hour to spot it.
Left a scorpion to keep these two buddies company.