Monday, November 16, 2009

15 Nov., 2009 -- Vegas lights

Dinner at the Golden Nugget downtown. Big ole crawdads, huh? $80 apiece. Nah, I don't think so.
Cousins Billie Lee and Jody. Lived here all their lives, know all the best eating places!

Sis Carolyn played $6 of her $20 in a slot machine, and won $75.
I put 20 of my $20 in a slot, won zip. That's it for the gambling.

Glitz and glitter, and two blocks of an overhead light show. This is the downtown, old part of Vegas. The cowboy's arm at the Pioneer Club used to wave, and the cowgirl wasn't even there when we were kids. The annual Heldorado Parade would move down this street in the afternoon before the rodeo. I have a photo of Roy Rogers on Trigger from way back then!

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