Wednesday, July 29, 2009

29 July, 2009 -- July? It's July? JULY?

Texans heading for OSHkosh Airventure 2009. Gloomy weather but not raining yet.

Rain, cool, rain, cool... it's not really July. Well, only for a couple more days.

Rescue mission... I heard Smudge in the office, meowing & growling,
his way of warning "it's MINE, whatever it is, and whoever you are!"
"Sorry, Smudge, you can't keep it".

Meanwhile, Briggs was stalking three grown bunnies up at Ben's hangar.
Just watching...
I saw him lurking in the grass as I went to the mailbox.

Hmmm, I need a piece of red sheet metal to fix the flag on the mailbox...
and while I was at the mailbox, in flew this shiny red piece of sheet metal...
It's exactly the right color! And the timing is impeccable! (No, I didn't.)

Tonight the thunderstorms are training through the area... rain heavy, then not, then lightning & thunder, then a little rain, then a lot... following 60 hwy, unusual. But I have this huge roof overhanging the Suburban... and a huge roof over the hangar and the two Cherokees... so let it rain!

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