Friday, October 3, 2008

3 Oct., 2008 -- Friday, Airport stuff

Last day for excavation at the airport, found lots of textures. They relocated all that limestone, used it for drainage fill.

Needed a tripod for the video camera, and morphed an old one into a monopod. I had cabbaged a leg and the post with the attachment bolt several years ago to make a monopod, and this is what was left over. So, one tripod became two monopods. Fascinating, huh?

That epoxy is a mess, gets all over your fingers as you knead it, and then... RING RING... At least my nose didn't start to itch. I bought the tripod for five bucks years ago at a pawn shop, and it was very short and flimsy, so I added an extra leg section to this iteration

Makes the videos a little steadier at the telephoto end of the zoom range. Yes, there will be a test.

1 comment:

Fonda said...

Interesting textures. Guess you're recycling the tripod! At ISU surplus last week I saw 3 bogen tripods that were about 3 times as big as the one I have, not sure what they were for, big movie cameras or survy equipment maybe...almost couldn't pass them up, they started at about $70...