Sunday, September 14, 2008

14 Sept., 2008 -- WIND Wind wind

Ike visited us at about 3 this morning, rocked and rolled and rained and roared. Peak gust at 4:30 a.m. of 56.4 mph. Tore the heck out of the elephant ears and bent all the flowers over. It didn't tip over the bbq-er, or turn over the mobile home. Jan sent the pictures of the huge tree that split in her yard.

The eye passed through MO to the east of us, and that's good, because the most severe winds were on the east side of the eye. Another five inches of rain in about 5 hours.

I worked on the Flight Simulator software again today, installed it on a different donated computer with XP and a faster processor. Problems solved for now.

Led the war kittens out into the wilds for a hunt; they lurked and romped and chased each other and a rabbit (or some critter rattling about in the weeds), and wore themselves out.

I win!


Ma said...

So, Jan. Did you hear that tree crack and fall during the night?

Fonda said...

YeeeIkes. Glad there wasn't more damage. Dad said he had A LOT of trees down and they were still without power as of Sunday evening...He was going to get the generator out and hooked up!
We got clouds late yesterday, I got some good pics,,,,better go post those!!!!