Wednesday, August 6, 2008

5 Aug., 2008 -- Ok, it's late, but...

Jan called to check on the elderly during the high heat... we'll discuss
THAT later, girl...

Ben won his election, about 4 to 1. No sweat.

Break-o-day no-show showed up at 9:30. This RV-8, unannounced, was a
much better show! On her t-shirt: R V there yet?

Dahlia started from seed, growing well, subtle pink, yellow & orange, mirrored in the sunset.

Then, after sunset (hey, we've got a CLOUD in the sky) we had a light show.

Fonda, I don't know why you shoot 200 to get a lightning shot. This only took 5. (I had to blow up a teeny part of the image, but, hey... use all the tricks!

The storm skidded north of us, so we're still dry. That's relatively speaking... humidity is about 98 percent, the grass is growing from the moisture in the morning dew. Mowing and baling going on; any outdoor activity brings on drip drip drip.

1 comment:

Fonda said...

yeah yeah, whatever!
That's a niiiice looking RV. I like it's name.