Thursday, May 8, 2008

7 May, 2008 Birds & Ants & Aunts

Robins are growing, crowding the nest, and have brand new feathers.
Rained all day today, but they appear dry and snug. Parents still
squawking at me, and today, they swooped down lower as if to attack!

And the ants are back, with a vengeance. Either it's a new hatching,
or else today's heavy rain has driven them up out of the ground.
These pictures are stills from the mini-dv movie camera. One heroic
critter found a broccoli bud and tried to drag it home. He struggled
with it all over the counter top, even carried it up and down the
side of the peanut can! I think he lost the bud in the sink and got
washed away later. Can you imagine the reception he would have gotten
from his relatives in the nest awaiting a meal... ptoo phthoo
pthoo... broccoli?? you brought us BROCCOLI??? Hey, Bro, I could be
baby bird food right now!

LAD, asleep in the car seat, got handed off to Aunt Suzie and Pattie,
for a few days in Atkins, Arkansas with Oma. "Grandma" Jan gave him
up to Grandpa Allen and Grandma Jean on Tuesday for an overnighter in
Douglas County. Momma is due back from Raleigh this weekend. Will LAD
remember who she is? (Probably).

1 comment:

Fonda said...

Sounds like LAD is having a fun time in MO and now ARK. He may never go anywhere with Daddy again!! The week is finally almost over. LAD will be glad to get back home to get some rest! like mommy!