Monday, March 16, 2009

16 March, 2009 -- Plan B, or C, or X

Randy and Lloyd were supposed to go to the Ag Pilots'
fly-in over in the bootheel today. So Randy flew the
Cherokee 140 down here from Iowa. Then the plan was
for Randy to fly the Ag Husky to the bootheel, with Lloyd
driving over there. Then the plan was further laid out
to go to Georgia to look at another ag plane they just bought.

Plan B: after getting the mail, just before Randy landed in
the 140, Lloyd discovered the fly-in has been postponed
until mid-April. OK, plan C.

Plan C: Randy returned to Iowa in the Ag Husky, so he
and his "boss" Bill could go to Florida and retrieve a Beech 18.

OK, we'll see if Plan C gets accomplished.

Meanwhile, Ron and his son Chance showed up for fuel
in his nice Beech Skipper.

Plan E: Ben and Bruce took the 140 for a spin to the local area
airports. No pictures.

Plan X: fix supper, leftovers. No pictures.

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