Grabbed the camera (be the first to the scene), saw low high speed pass, figured they'd go somewhere else to land on a cleared runway, and started to retreat back into the heated office. Uh oh, going around, slowing down, gear down... maybe I will be the first to the scene.

Nice stabilized approach...

Perfect soft field landing!

All fueled up, taxi out, wave goodbye...

Unusual event during a low overcast, potentially snow-stormy day; warned them about several deer that had just bounced across the runway.
They were from Illinois (2 degrees F), headed to Oklahoma for maintenance. They said it was warm here. I think these guys must be former military... smiling for the camera all the way! The letters AURI are painted atop the right wing.
"The plane is a Beechcraft T-34 Mentor, former 1950's era military trainer. The aircraft is based on a civilian Beechcraft Bonanza. We took the plane to Ada, OK for a wing spar upgrade. We then had a friend pick us up where we flew to Kirksville, MO to pick up a couple of other people, (very snowy). We then flew back home to Springfield, IL and I got home about 7:30 tonite. Long day! (Marty T, the pilot in the backseat)"
Are these guys active or former military? (No, but I almost was!!!! Mike never was, either. He is a business owner here in Springfield and I am a soon to be retired police detective with Springfield, IL PD. I am also a pilot and plane owner, (1946 Taylorcraft BC-12D). Mike owns about twelve airplanes including a WWII P-51 Mustang and a Korean War era F4U Corsair.)
(I'm sending them pictures, this is quoted from Marty's email tonight.)
(Oh, about the funny design on the side of the plane, I always mush up the plane identifier numbers.)

"Here is a picture of Miss Scarlett, my '46 T-Craft I picked up in Mississippi last November. She is my third T-Craft I have owned and definitely the prettiest."