HAD to fly to the bootheel today, almost in Arkansas, shot three fields for MU, (thanks, Peter). These aren't the target fields, but AD-OS stepped in and these harvest patterns caught my eye on the way home. I enhanced the contrast to bring out the design.

Some fields are parallel and neat, some are haphazard patterns like these. I can understand following the curves in a hilly field, but in a flat field with no variation in terrain??? Might have been a corn maze. On the other hand, that's a mighty big field for a corn maze. I wonder if they had porta-potties and snack food dispensers... and "welcome to maizeland information rest stops"? In reality, an ever-enlarging rectangular harvest pattern would lead to the diamond shaped design, enhanced by the angle of the early morning sunlight. The refreshment crew with watermelon might account for the random curving tracks disrupting the elegant neatness of the whole thing. On the other hand (how many hands do you have?) the farmer might have had a hangover.

The ponds; I don't know whether they are rice fields (too late in the season for that), or maybe catfish rearing ponds. Each one is slightly different in color, due to algae, or test chemicals, or stirred up where there's green water/brown water? Anybody got a guess? Colors are pretty, AD-OS. This is near Paragould, Arkansas, I didn't have the camera hooked to the gps for a precise location, but according to the time, and the homeward track, and the symbols on the sectional chart, that's my "expert" opinion.
Then homeward and ...

Willow Springs, our EAA hangar is the white roof lower left corner. That looks like Hokie and Ray in the parking lot. 1H5 is almost-smack-dab on my return path, how convenient.
TARGET! There's Jerry on the runway. I didn't know it was him or I'd have chased him farther for some closer-up-air-to-air-close-ups.
YeeeHaaaww, Jester's ..... It isn't often that I get an advantage over him. Or HA! a stealth attack!

Mtn. Grove, and the (mostly) completed excavation work. Now for some GRASS. Oh, won't that make for some major mowing.

My, oh, my... a four hour flight can create so much entertainment. For web-log newbies, "AD-OS" means "attention deficit - Ooooh Shiny". Most of this family and its friends are afflicted. It's not an affliction, really, but a good excuse for, procrastination, practiced to perfection.